Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Best Way to Clean Up Baby Puke

I don't get grossed out easily, so I'm not sure why baby puke gets to me so much. I've cleaned up lots of poop, and have been peed on countless times, which doesn't phase me at all. I have a cat with very stinky, runny poop and I can even handle that, to a point. But I had to try hard to keep from gagging when I rinsed out her vomit. It was almost as bad as touching a raw tomato's innards. And I don't "do" raw tomatoes. Eww. That said, I executed and carried out the best action plan possible in this sort of situation. Here are some tips to make it easier for anyone faced with the dire task of wiping up puke. I made sure she threw up on the kitchen floor. This location is probably the most ideal, unlike the bedsheets at 3am. She must have remembered that incident and planned accordingly. Then I gave her a perfunctory wipe down and we walked away. The best way to solve a problem at this point is to avoid it. I actually had an urge to take care of it right away, but my daughter helped redirect me and I comforted her instead. Then I started her bath, wiped up the grossness into a pile and moved it to a kitchen corner. I suddenly had forgotten about her regurgitated food gibs laying in a lump on the floor. Fast forward to bedtime. After she fell asleep, I knew I had to take care of business, but thought nothing of it. I purposely ate a snack first. Who wants to deal with vomit right before eating anything? Then I finally took care of the mess by dumping the puke pieces in the toilet. I do not recommend this action, but it had to be done in our house or I'd clog the pipes. I rinsed out the cloths, and that's when it dawned on me that I'm touching slimy puke. I purposely told myself not to think about it. Whatever you do, don't keep thinking, "Ohhhh that's sooooo gross!" while you're in the midst of touching said gross thing. I put all the cloths outside, not fully rinsed but ready for the big winds to dry them out and make baby vomit a distant memory. My strategy included scooping the litter box and ending with washing dishes which is such a clean easy activity for me. Suddenly cat poop was not that bad. Now I'm much more relaxed and ever so grateful, for a clean house and a beautiful, healthy child. My baby girl is safe and resting quietly at this very moment, puke free. That wasn't so bad. I've definitely been through much worse in my life. I think I'm gonna be ok. ;)


Unknown said...

Always keep baby wipes in a place which is easily accessible. You will be needing them for baby cleaning
always after feeding your baby. First you have to clean her after feeding and they also generally puke after eating.

Unknown said...

I was and still am quite familiar with easy puke clean up and the ways of babies. She was over a year old at the time. This blog entry was intended to be tongue-in-cheek and meant for entertainment only. Thank you for your interest, however, and I hope you continue reading. ;)

mikebo said...

Hi Michelle,
This is Mike from Kansas, trying to reach Wendy Atkins...She had a link from her facebook page to this..Please give my email if you see or hear from her, I am worried, not heard from her in a long time..