Monday, May 12, 2008

Flying Squirrels Are Legal in Texas

Saturday, May 10, 2008

When asked if he has any pets, my checker Ron at Trader Joe's told me he has 2 flying squirrels. They are sisters. He said that they are illegal here (I will not reveal too many personal details about you, Ron), but are of course legal in Texas.

I wonder what qualifies them to be ok there and not here. Do they have more room to fly in Texas? Actually, they don't really fly. They just jump really far. He told me of someone who trained their flying squirrels to fly up and down stairs.

Ferrets are illegal here, too, but I know so many people who have them as pets. They are so cute! I heard that we are allowed to breed them here in California, but not have them. So, as long as we make money off of them, they are ok, huh? That sucks.

My kitty cats would have a field day with these little gals.

Flying squirrels. The ultimate cat toy.

I've gotta go to bed. I probably had you at pet flying squirrels.

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