Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tea Stories


I used to see this guy I'll call William (alias). He and I would meet for tea, and inevitably other activities would ensue. We spent time away after dating briefly. A relationship just wasn't working out, but we couldn't stay away from each other's bedrooms. Well, every time we would reconnect, he would initiate by asking me to tea. After a while, we'd laugh, knowing that this was essentially a euphemism for something other than just a cup of tea. One time, he even clarified that he was asking me to go have an actual beverage.

Anyway, I don't see William much anymore, which is working out alright so far. I drink tea alone or with friends, occasionally having a private giggle at the story behind this enticingly hot beverage.

1 comment:

Phil said...

cute story :) Thanks for the nice comments. Made me smile. see you around!